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Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation


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Supported languages: English, German, Russian


Instruments screen

- Creating a list of purchased stock market instruments.

- Showing the current and best average price indicator from the calculations of the table of transactions.

 The screen of the table of trades 

The table calculates the average price and other indicators for transaction records, including full sales and short positions, taking into account commissions, taxes, dividends, other expenses and income.

Output of the main calculation indicators for the instrument: the number of the instrument, the average price, the value of the asset, the current profit relative to the current price on the exchange

- Convenient addition of entries to the table for completed transactions, received dividends, and other expenses for the instrument.

- Calculation of dividends and dividend share as a percentage relative to the average price.

- The ability to edit input data in the table, insert and delete rows, and shrink the table when it is too large.

The calculation screen

- Overview of 3D graphics based on Avg = f (Q, P) - the average price (Avg) of the number of lots (Q) and price tool (P) will clearly choose the point to buy or sell the instrument.

- Interactive calculation of one of the parameters by changing the rest when planning a transaction.

- Calculation of the planned amount of the purchase or sale operation.

- Calculation of the credit amount for sales with short positions.

- Ability to set a limit on the amount to buy or sell.


Setting screen

- Change of languages: English, German, Russian

- Setting a login password

- Ability to export and import data.

- Choose to display the number of tools in pieces or lots.

- Developer feedback


Built-in help

Each window in the application contains a built-in help with a description of the window's functionality.

The Investcalc app helps investors calculate the average prices of purchased instruments in exchange trading (stocks, futures). All completed transactions, dividend payments, commissions and other expenses are taken into account. Allows you to clearly see the progress of changes in the average price. Provides a three-dimensional graph of the dependence of parameters such as: average price, number of lots and lot price with the ability to interactively calculate any of the parameters by changing the others.


About the app

Приложение Экс стратегия


The extreme averaging strategy is described here.

1. Having made a large enough purchase of a block of dividend shares in your portfolio, we make a note in the table in the annex. In the example, 100 lots were bought at the current price of 88.

In the table we get the row of transaction with the average price 88. In this example, the calculation is performed without taking into account the commissions of the transaction, otherwise the average price after the calculation would be a little higher.


2. Having reached the points of sale at the supposed peak of the chart, in the example 92.5 we calculate the necessary amount of securities for sale in the application by clicking the "Calculation" button . 


Specify the desired sale price in the calculation window

(P = 92,5). 

The purpose of the calculation is to find out how many shares will be required to sell in order for the calculated average price to be close to 0 (in the example, let us assume that it is not negative).


Check the checkbox above the calculated parameter - the average price of Avg.


Scroll down the stock slider with a "-" (sell) sign until the average price calculation field shows us a minimum price close to 0 (not negative in our case).


In the calculation we get an average price of 2.5 in the currency of sale, and the window quantity shows us the value in "-95" lots. This is the amount of securities, at a given price, necessary for the sale, so that the average price of the remaining shares is close to or equal to 0.

If the number is 1 lot more (-96), the average will be negative (-20), which would also be great and would mean that we will already get super profits from each lot of the remaining 20 units of currency.

Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation

After the sale, we add a row to the table at the price of the transaction to be calculated within the table.


It is possible that the current sale price will be different from the desired one and the number of transactions may be more than one and at different prices (then several rows are added to the table).


As a result of the sale, we have 5 lots of shares in the balance at an insignificant average price of 2.5.


3At the point of expected purchase of 75 (below the selling price or at the bottom peak of the chart in the channel) you can calculate the required number of lots based on the revenue received on the sale or the desired amount.


For example, we use the amount of proceeds from the sale, which in the table is 8767.5.


In the calculation window at the bottom check the limit of the amount, enter the desired amount of the purchase.

Select "-" by clicking the button (purchase).


We put the price of 75 and check the average price change.


Rotate the lot slider to increase until the green indicator (where the red arrow) appears to reach the amount limit condition. In this case, the lot counter will stop changing.


The obtained amount will return one step back as on the next screen, which is the calculated value.

Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation

4. Repeating the methodology of points 2 and 3, we gradually accumulate the required number of shares of the instrument with an average price close to 0.


In our example, at 10 points of the transaction we have 63 lots at an average price of 0.92063.


Then in the window of the list of instruments under the name Noname we see that the last operation was a sale (-98), after which we have 63 lots with an average of 0.92063.


Figures 179 and 48,899 mean that before that the best combination (by average and number) in the table was 179 lots with an average of 48,899.  

In this case, the best combination can not have a number of lots smaller than the current one.

The green colored average price shows that the last trade has the best result in the table.

Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Как использовать график


Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation



Number of shares - 10

The average price is 52

The current price is 75

Task: calculation of a profitable purchase transaction.



Here is the inverse relationship than in the sales example above. Green is a profitable buying segment with almost linear characteristic of the average price change. 


On this site, the average changes with less speed and tends to the purchase price of 75, but will not exceed it at any amount in the transaction.


We get that, from a purchase quantity of about 35 or more, we would get an advantageous result in terms of quantity ratio and average price change.  At 35, the average price would be 69.89.

Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation
Investcalc investment averaging average price calculation



Number of shares - 40

The average price is 72.25

Current price - 79

Task: calculation of a profitable sale transaction.



Dependence of the average price at a fixed price (above average) on the number of instruments is a non-linear dependence curve.


The curve can be divided into 3 sections (see the picture on the right): green - the buying position, yellow - a transitional section of the sales position, orange - a profitable section of sales with a steep characteristic of the average price change.


Using the slider to change the amount in a deal, move the marker to the beginning of the orange segment.


We get that, from a sale amount equal to (-30) and lower, we would get the best result on changing the average price.  At -30, the average price would be 52.


Taking into account the current quantity of 40 pieces and the need for balance, the most advantageous will be sales of 30 to 39 pieces.


At maximum sale with the balance (-39) the price of the average balance (1) will be equal to (-191). The closest to zero positive average (11,5) will be at -36.


Mathematically, going to short (-41), at first will greatly increase the average price (349). For example, if you sell in short by double value (-80), the average will be 85.75.

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